The ATA指南针: Your guide to translation and interpreting in the global market

Want to reach more customers, 发展你的业务, 提高你的底线? The ATA指南针 publishes articles and provides resources to show you how language professionals can help you achieve these goals.  

大脑工作图像. 信用:威康收藏


By ATA指南针 | 2023年10月11日

This article originally appeared on the Bulletin of the UK-based Institute of Translation and Interpreting. 本文已获许可转载. All translators and interpreters are bilingual or multilingual. 但不…


By ATA指南针 | 2023年9月26日

Technology is moving at a faster pace today than ever before, 许多人感到困惑. How will new technologies affect creative fields like translation? 美国翻译…

Subtitle Translation and Captioning: the Key Ingredients to Successful Social Media Video Marketing

By ATA指南针 | 2023年8月30日

Learn how you can leverage subtitle translation and captioning to expand reach, 提高参与, 确保可访问性, 还有更多——来自专业字幕师和字幕师.  你创造了一个完美的视频…


By ATA指南针 | 2023年8月9日

本文最初发表于 经许可转载. Perhaps you have never purchased translation services before and suddenly find yourself needing to hire a translator or…

连续对. 同声传译:有什么区别?

By ATA指南针 | 2023年7月19日

Linguists rejoiced at the trailer for The Covenant when it stated what many of us have been grumbling about under our breath for decades. 如果你好奇为什么…


By ATA指南针 | 2023年6月28日

You’ve launched a website for your business or organization. 祝贺你! 接下来呢?? If you want to reach an even wider audience for your website, consider translating it into a…

Your Four-Step Guide to Meeting the USCIS Certified Translation Requirements

By ATA指南针 | 2023年6月7日

The 移民过程 can be stressful and getting your documents translated into English should not add to that stress. 这个快速简单的指南会有所帮助. 它解释了美国移民局…

A calculator and several hundred dollar bills symbolizing the cost of translation services


By ATA指南针 | 2023年5月17日

If you’re looking for translation services, you’re likely wondering how much translations cost. Whether you need a birth certificate or diploma translation, 翻译你的家族史,…


如何认识和实施优质口译 (Hint: It Doesn’t Involve Your Bilingual Staff)

By ATA指南针 | 2023年4月26日

有一套合适的质量标准, it is possible to make healthcare accessible to limited English proficiency individuals without delaying patient care or interrupting your workflow. 尽可能多的…

Blog banner showing a robotic hand pressing a laptop keyboard to illustrate the title "机器翻译vs. human Translation: Will Artificial Intelligence Replace the World’s Second Oldest Profession?"

机器翻译vs. Human Translation: Will Artificial Intelligence Replace the World’s Second Oldest Profession?

By ATA指南针 | 2023年4月5日

Translators pride themselves on being excellent communicators, and so they should. 毕竟,这是他们的工作! But sometimes, even the best communicators can talk until they’re blue in the face…



By ATA指南针 | 2023年3月15日

Have you ever sensed that you offended someone in a work setting without understanding why? Or have you ever worked with someone from another culture and found their behavior confusing,…

7 Tips for Crushing an International Meeting Remotely, According to an 翻译

7 Tips for Crushing an International Meeting Remotely, According to an 翻译

By ATA指南针 | 2023年2月22日

As millions around the globe have moved their classes and even social gatherings online, international business and meetings between speakers of different languages look a lot different. 在大流行前…

What’s the difference between a translator and an interpreter

What’s the Difference Between a Translator and an 翻译?

By ATA指南针 | 2023年2月1日

如果你想雇佣一名语言专家, the first thing you need to ask yourself is whether you need a translator or an interpreter. 尽管术语通常是……



By ATA指南针 | 2023年1月11日

如果你从美国开始.S. 移民过程, 申请美国大学, 或者考虑在美国工作的机会, you will need certain legal or official documents translated…



By ATA指南针 | 2022年4月21日

在2022年北京冬奥会之前, Chinese authorities conducted a city-wide correction campaign to fix embarrassing translation gaffes. The mistranslations included signs labeling people with disabilities as “deformed”…


Top Six Reasons You Should Caption Your Social Media Video Content

By ATA指南针 | 2020年12月3日

No matter what industry you’re in, video content is likely part of your marketing strategy. 如果不是,也应该是. 根据思科的一份报告,在线视频…

How to Avoid Misinformation: Cross-Border Strategies PR Pros Should be Thinking About

By ATA指南针 | 2020年11月17日

At a time when misinformation and fake news are running rampant, 沟通, 更具体地说,是书面文字, 可以说比以往任何时候都更重要. 公共关系的最后一件事是……

25 Million Americans Don’t Speak English: Translators and 翻译s Essential in Pandemic

By ATA指南针 | 2020年5月22日

在写这篇文章的时候, 数百万美国人被命令呆在家里, instructions that are hard enough to grasp if you speak English—even harder still for…

Content Marketers: Time to Call in the Language Professionals?

By ATA指南针 | 2020年1月6日

美国.S. 是世界上最大的消费市场吗, but did you know that 96% of the world’s consumers reside beyond the country’s borders (according to the U.S. 小生意…

雇佣口译员? 从你的伴侣关系中获得最大利益的9件事

By ATA指南针 | 2019年11月21日

从近藤麻理到小房子运动, the concept of “less is more” is undergoing a resurgence of sorts. 然而,至少在一个领域,“更多……

How to Win at Customer Service: 3 Strategies for Converting Customers into Brand Devotees

By ATA指南针 | 2019年9月25日

思嘉挂了电话,几乎要哭出来了. Even more unexpectedly, so was the customer service representative on the other end. 一个看似简单的调查怎么会…